Suffer voice of West Papuans that we heartache of the Dag Hammaskjold's accident on 18 december 1961. So we want to do anniversary his death day on 18 september each years.
West Papuan Want to know to second general secertary of United Nations, Dag Hammaskjold accident in the airplane and dead, since 18 september 1961, in Ndola, Kongo, Afrika. Indigenous peoples of West Papua want to ask to United Nations about that, because Mr.Dag Hammaskjold ever prepare and promised "Papua For Papuan", he mean that to self determination (Free West Papua) without Netherland and without Indonesia.
So, Indigenous peoples of West Papua ask to the United Nations must dig more about this case, by the basically many evidence which collected. You, know that one of an evidence of this case, please you see to "The Incubus Of Intervension, Conflicting Indonesia Strategies of John F.Kennedy and Allen Dulles" (by : Dr.Greg Poulgrain).
We (Indigenous peoples) of West Papua know that; after Dag Hammaskjold dead, Joh.n F.Kennedy shoot dead and Soekarno drop it. Mr.Soeharto allowed to freeport company in Timika, West Papua, before Illegal Referendum did, in 1969. We also know that this case is secret work by Allen Dulles as Directur of CIA. and Indonesia militaries power under authority by Mr.Soeharto (second President of Indonesia).
Thefore, we aspirate to United Nations on the general assembly meeting, 72nd session on 12 september to december 2017, that :
- Please, commitment and decide to dig more about Dag Hammaskjold dead since 18 september 1961,
- Please, reactive or list about west papua political status in C24 (Commission of Decolonization) United Nations,
- Confirm to the UN that, To self determination of West Papua ever admit by second general secertary of, United Nation, and he said that; "Papua For Papuan",
- History of West Papua political status is problems of United Nations and Problem of International,
- You know that, Indigenous Peoples of West Papua are extinct more and minority in the their land, for they live under control of indonesia,
- Exit the Freeport Company in Papua and government of Indonesia, let in Papua and out of Papua,
- Indonesia must responsible about human right abuse in West Papua begun in 1961 until now,
- Indigenous peoples of West Papua 100% want to referendum, for to self determination,
- We decide that on 18 september each years, we will be do as "Papua For Papuans' anniversary day" and as anniversary day for Mr.Dag Hammaskjold dead.
@By Diplomtic of Liberation Campaign